
Bin Laden, Death or Opportunity ?

Among the many news one has particularly called the people's attention... Osama Bin Laden death to hands of the american army.
Finally some good news... I guess. Do not misinterpretate my words, is always good to know the world has a terrorist less but there's something, about the whole story, I can't seem to swallow completely and, maybe, is due to the perfection of it all.

Google photo
 Obama's staff pictures have been showed while they where following "Operation Geronimo" development live. This is kinda suspicious; americans are very special when it comes to secrecy, so its sounds weird to know there was a photographer taking pictures of a secret mission which, theorically, no one knew how could have ended and, so, taking risks of a world wide scorn if something had gone wrong. On the other hand, if we take a closer look to the photo it seems too studied... The President and VicePresident on one corner, on their own, the rest of the staff on the other corner as stacks, like trying to call upon the public attention the main character, Obama. If this was not enough we can see Hillary's reaction, over the years she has shown to be a woman who likes to be in control and show as little emotion as possible when it comes to political facts, so she looks like  over acting... also the heavy file of secret documentation and the agenda on her lap, the photos on the pc's top... everything seems strategically placed... things, people, expressions... even the death's day looks like has been chosen thoroughly because Hitler ( another public enemy ) died too a second of March and, as curious as it seems, his body was not found either. This seems strange, every succesful operation and/or arrest of a murdered, dictator, etc. has been shot and proudly shown right away; we must only recall the images of Saddam Husein's arrest, to name just one example, so why has been this time different? Only some films of a living Osama have seen the light, but those images doesn't clarify anything, on the contrary, that brings more doubts to the one's most people already have... is the white bearded man covered in a blanket and watching tv the real Al-Qaeda's number one?  Why a terrorist leader who always used to appear strong and decisive would let someone film him in such a decrepit situation?
On the other hand there's something few times has been talked about : Osama's precarious phisical health. It is said he had a renal disfunction, rumours of a unsuccessful transplant and the posibility of the need of a dialysis machine used to run among some circles.
I  have  doubts about the veracity of this story. My theory, however subversive it may seem, is that Bin Laden has been dead for quite some time ( probably a natural death ), and maybe the american leaders were already aware of this and perhaps had, or still have, Osama's corpse in their possession and have kept this information as a wildcard if needed... this was the right time.
Photo by Sahndrah
Once the FBI most wanted dies the oil price trends to lower,  stocks rise and Obama's popularity, which was as its bottom, suddenly rises too. At the same time, after the death of number one public enemy it's time to get another target, one much more dangerous at present... Mahmud Ahmadineyad, Iran's head of state.
These maneuvers are not surprising at all for have already been happening through history; no need to look far back,  just taking a glimpse to the last years of eastern history...

1979 - Iran - Ayatollah Homeini, another one of those cracy fundamentalist, rises to power.
             The same year Saddam Hussein is appointed President of Irak.
A year later Irak, with the support of the URSS, France and USA, goes to war against Iran.
1989 - Homeini dies... two years later begins the Gulf War, forcing Saddam to withdraw from
             Kuwait ( invaded and annexed to Irak, it is said to protect it from its neighbor Iran ).
2003 - United States and British troops ( with the approval of other nations ) invaded Irak to
              overthrow Saddam; which after months in hiding is found hidden in a bunker a short distance from his hometown ( oddly to find a islamic fugitive  one just have to look for him at home, or so it seems...). Arrested and handed over to Iraqi authorities is sentenced to death.
From this time the focus lies on Osama Bin Laden.
To train a dog with the aim to kill a wolf which kills livestock and, later, have to remove the dog when it is fierce enough to attack the master, it's not strange exercise in international politics, nor is it something exclusive to American authorities... major political powers  are connected to each other as, no doubt, also terrorist groups are too.

Now, with the 25th. anniversary of Chernobyl's disaster and following the terrible Fukushima events, Germany has decided to close all nuclear power plants and, as always, other European countries will follow Germany's decission. While the West will gradually reject nuclear energy and, therefore, limiting its weapons arsenal, Iran it's going to become  a danger to the world. This is something logical for Ahmadinejad not only looks like someone out of his mind but he's also too aversive to me. It should be noted there are many countries concerned about Iran's nuclear potential, including Saudi Arabia, a country which has urged the U.S. to take action against Iran.
I wonder how long will it take before we get to see agreements among Gulf countries to supply oil to China  and so stop depending on Iran in this regard, by this means the yellow giant would be willing to join or support operations and sanctions against Ahmadineyad's country. I also believe next Islamic attack could well be in a nuclear power  to accelerate the process.
I do not deny the machinery seeking to convert the West into Muslim countries is already running, this is a shadow hanging over us at a fast pace, is a serious problem, many do not reach to imagine its magnitude but I guess we live in a far more complicated world than we think and, above all, in the international politics world there are problems, challenges, scenarios deserving no attention until its final development and others that seem to deserve  immediate attention for any reason whatsoever...

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